

Maximuscle Cyclone 1200 g Vanilla Size and Strength Shake Powder



Product Description

One of the UK's leading all-in-one muscle-growth shakes to support rapid gains in lean muscle, strength and power. Cyclone is a convenient muscle and size shake that's guaranteed to help you optimise the results you get from your weight training and nutrition plan. With over 1.5 million tubs sold, Cyclone has been delivering results for more than 10 years and has been proven to significantly reduce muscle stiffness after training.
Cyclone is not only loaded with 10 g of high quality creatine per daily serving for increased strength and power, it also contains a precise blend of nutrients designed to increase creatine uptake in your muscles to allow faster, better results than creatine alone. HMB serves to reduce muscle breakdown soreness, improve muscle strength and assist in muscle repair after exercise, while glutamine--the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue--reduces the risk of overtraining, supports your natural immune defences and aids muscle growth. Cyclone is easily digestible and there are no low grade proteins, allowing you to enjoy gains without experiencing stomach upsets, wind or bloating and it is virtually lactose-free when taken with water.
Cyclone's unique blend of whey proteins is considered by experts to have a higher biological value (a measurement of how much of the protein consumed is actually absorbed, retained and used by the body) than any other protein source, including casein, egg, chicken or fish.
For complete confidence and reassurance to all drug tested athletes and sports people, Maximuscle has developed and pioneered a sports nutrition testing programme, with a UK accredited lab, which is ISO17025 certified and UKAS approved. For your peace of mind this involves testing each and every batch for problematic banned substances.


After exercising regularly and using Cyclone daily, eight out of 10 people saw an increase in muscle size, while eight out of 20 people felt more powerful in the gym after three weeks--Online survey conducted by Zoomerang on 123 men who exercised regularly and used Cyclone daily (2009).
I subscribed to the strawberry flavour at £27 it is a bargain! I'm 52 years old and using cyclone as directed I am packing on muscle and only workout once a week for 2 Hours. Remember you need to give time for your muscles to recover and grow. Forget how it tastes - it's results that count. I don't count calories I just each protein rich meals but very little meat. So I eat Tuna Haddock Cod Eggs and all sorts of beans along with Brown Rice Pasta and Salads. The protein had an unbroken seal so don't worry about buying online I am always sceptical of 1* reviews!
By technophil (London,United Kingdom)
I am currently using this supplement alongside my 3-day-per-week weight training routine in an effort to bulk-up and gain strength and muscle.
I take 3 scoops per day, 1.5 in the morning and 1.5 straight after training or in the afternoon.
The key word here is 'supplement'. Whilst you will start to feel the benefit in 7 - 14 days, bear in mind that you will need to get through your second tub before any significant gains are made. You really do need to use this product as part of an appropriate nutrition programme to get the most out of it.
Yes, its expensive compared to other brands but you have to pay for quality. Cyclone is always sold-out at my gym, all those people can't be wrong!
If you are serious about bulking up and gaining muscle and can afford Cyclone then i'd go for it.
By R. Hadfield

Designer Inspired Lanus Tote

I bought this bag for an upcoming holiday and it was perfect. Roomy enough to hold all I would need for 16 hour flights and layovers. It was also a great bag to travel around as it holds a decent amount of stuff without being too heavy. I carried this bag daily and went from beach to dessert to shopping perfectly. One of the best purchases I made for the trip.


This bag is the perfect size for me to carry to work and shopping.
it's very light because it's made of nylon. love it.
I ordered dark blue and I think the color looks just like the picture shown.
the greatest things is: I thought an A4 document won't fit in the bag at first, but it does fit!
but it can be better if there is more inside pocket. This bag only has one.
By  K.J.

Highly suggest this seller. Tote packaged securely. Arrived in great condition and on time. Tote is made well. Sturdy, large enough to use when traveling and everyday chores.
Handsome enough to leave handbag at home and look stylish wearing only tote. Will order again from this seller
By Annette,NJ


Causa di sindrome dell'intestino irritabile

Causa di sindrome dell'intestino irritabile
Come discusso precedentemente, sindrome dell'intestino irritabile si ritiene sia dovuto alla funzione anormale (disfunzione) dei muscoli degli organi del tratto gastrointestinale o dei nervi che controllano gli organi. Il controllo nervoso del tratto gastrointestinale, tuttavia, è complessa. Un sistema di nervi percorre l'intera lunghezza del tratto gastrointestinale dall'esofago all'ano nelle pareti muscolari degli organi. Questi nervi comunicare con altri nervi che viaggiano da e verso il midollo spinale. Nervi all'interno del midollo spinale, a sua volta, viaggiare e dal cervello. (Il tratto gastrointestinale è superato in numero di nervi che contiene solo dal midollo spinale e nel cervello.) Pertanto, la funzione anomala del sistema nervoso in IBS possono verificarsi in un organo gastrointestinale muscolare, il midollo spinale, o il cervello.
Il sistema nervoso che controlla gli organi gastrointestinali, come la maggior parte degli altri organi, contiene sia i nervi sensitivi e motori. I nervi sensoriali continuamente percepire ciò che sta accadendo all'interno dell'organo e relè di queste informazioni ai nervi nella parete dell'organo. Da lì, le informazioni possono essere trasmesse al midollo spinale e cervello. Le informazioni vengono ricevuti ed elaborati in parete dell'organo, il midollo spinale, o il cervello. Poi, sulla base di questo ingresso sensoriale ed il tipo di trattamento della ingresso, comandi (risposte) vengono inviati l'organo sui nervi motori. Due delle risposte motorie più comuni nell'intestino sono contrazione o il rilassamento del muscolo dell'organo e la secrezione di fluido e / o muco nell'organo.
Come già accennato, la funzione anomala dei nervi degli organi gastrointestinali, almeno teoricamente, potrebbero verificarsi nella organo, midollo spinale, o il cervello. Inoltre, le anomalie potrebbero verificarsi nei nervi sensoriali, i nervi motori, o presso i centri di elaborazione a livello intestinale, midollo spinale, o il cervello. Alcuni ricercatori sostengono che la causa delle malattie funzionali è anomalie nella funzione dei nervi sensoriali. Ad esempio, le normali attività, come allungamento del piccolo intestino da alimentare, può dare luogo a segnali anomali sensoriali che vengono inviati al midollo spinale e nel cervello, dove sono percepiti come dolore.
Altri ricercatori sostengono che la causa delle malattie funzionali è anomalie nella funzione dei nervi motori. Ad esempio, i comandi anomali attraverso i nervi motori potrebbe produrre uno spasmo doloroso (contrazione) dei muscoli. Altri ancora sostengono che anormalmente centri di lavorazione funzionanti sono responsabili di patologie funzionali, perché interpretano sensazioni normali o anormali inviare comandi per l'organo. In effetti, alcune malattie funzionali può essere dovuta ad una disfunzione sensoriale, disfunzione motoria, o disfunzione sia motoria e sensoriale. Altri ancora possono essere dovute ad anomalie all'interno dei centri di elaborazione Un settore che sta ricevendo una grande attenzione scientifica è il ruolo potenziale di gas prodotta dai batteri intestinali in pazienti affetti da IBS. Studi hanno dimostrato che i pazienti con IBS producono grandi quantità di gas che individui senza IBS, e il gas può essere mantenuto più nell'intestino tenue. Tra i pazienti con IBS, la dimensione addominale aumenta nel corso della giornata, raggiungendo un massimo in serata e il ritorno ai valori basali entro la mattina seguente. In individui senza IBS, non vi è alcun aumento di dimensione addominale durante il giorno.
C'è stata una grande polemica sul ruolo che una cattiva digestione e / o assorbimento di zuccheri alimentari possono giocare in aggravare i sintomi di IBS. Cattiva digestione del lattosio, lo zucchero nel latte, è molto comune come è scarso assorbimento del fruttosio, un dolcificante presente in molti alimenti trasformati. Cattiva digestione o l'assorbimento di questi zuccheri possono aggravare i sintomi di IBS in quanto gli zuccheri non assorbiti spesso causano aumento della formazione di gas.
Anche se queste anomalie nella produzione e trasporto di gas potrebbe dar luogo ad alcuni dei sintomi di IBS, molto lavoro dovrà essere fatto prima il ruolo di gas intestinali in IBS è chiaro.
I grassi alimentari in soggetti sani, provoca degli alimenti, nonché gas a muoversi più lentamente attraverso lo stomaco e nell'intestino tenue. Alcuni pazienti con IBS possono anche rispondere ai grassi alimentari in modo esagerato con maggiore rallentamento. Così, grassi alimentari potrebbe - e probabilmente non - aggravare i sintomi di IBS.
Per maggiori informazioni visita:


Hair cloning as a viable treatment for hair loss conditions.

One of the most exciting recent developments in the search to find new solutions for hair loss has been research investigating hair cloning. Properly known as follicle cloning or multiplication, it involves taking a sample of a person's hair follicle cells, multiplying them in a lab and injecting them back into the patient's scalp. The aim obviously is to generate natural hair regrowth without the need for invasive surgery. But can we realistically expect this treatment to become available in the forseeable future?

Unfortunately the process is not yet possible but research is underway to perfect it. Current predictions suggest that it is unlikely to become available to the public for at least ten years.

The name of the process is a little misleading as it really refers to cell therapy rather than true cloning. Once perfected it would involve taking a small sample of tissue from the scalp and then creating a culture that would allow the follicle cells to multiply. The theory is that the few sample cells would multiply to become several hundred thousand that could then be injected back into the scalp to create several thousand new hairs.

The major obstacles that must be overcome include the following:

- There is no certainty that the replicated cells can develop into hairs.

- There is no guarantee that the new hairs will grow to the same thickness, color or direction as the existing hair coverage.

- There needs to be certainty that the cloned cells do not introduce serious health problems such as the growth of cancerous tumors.

Clearly hair cloning offers exciting possibilites for the treatment of hair loss in the future but for now, you'd best stick with the more limited treatments that at least are currently available.

Please go to Hair Loss Solutions to find out more about the issues covered in this article.

About the Author  : by Richard Mitchell

Lower Your Cholesterol

Heart disease is the number one killer in the Western world today. More than 40% of men will die from it. What is particularly disturbing is that strokes and heart attacks are becoming much more common in younger men.

Witness the recent death of St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Darryl Kile, who was felled in his prime, only 33 years
old. Although it seems counterintuitive, athletes, in
fact, can be even more vulnerable than the average person.

When men engage in vigorous exercise, they create an excess of free radicals. These free radicals cause tremendous amounts of damage to the body with devastating effects, one of which is elevating their cholesterol.

But taking a powerful antioxidant such as Total Balance, available at,
will help neutralize these free radicals before damage occurs. Nowadays, due to lifestyles, diet, and the deeper understanding in the role that genetics plays, younger men
should be acutely aware of the importance of keeping their
cholesterol at optimum levels.

As an indication of this importance, one of the major pharmaceutical companies is even in the process of seeking FDA approval to provide a statin drug to children to lower
their cholesterol. Elevated cholesterol is considered the best "marker" for potential heart disease and it is a
condition that 1 in 4 people have.

In order to prevent future problems, it is widely recommended that you check your cholesterol levels and if they're "out of line," take action to normalize them -- regardless of your age.

Are you at risk?

A common misconception is that people with high cholesterol must be overweight or subsist on a diet of greasy burgers and fries. The truth is that the amount of cholesterol you
have in your bloodstream is not directly related to your
diet. I will explain why momentarily.

Another prevailing and incorrect view is that only older people need worry about their cholesterol levels. The reality is that having a predisposition to high cholesterol and heart
disease are genetically influenced factors.

Elevated cholesterol levels can stalk even young men and women who are in seemingly good shape and otherwise take care of themselves. Indeed, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute advocates that the young, middle-aged, and old lower their cholesterol, whether it be to prevent heart disease, or because they already have it.

Therefore it's important to know your family history and, accordingly, take prevention to ensure the health of your
heart for many years to come. But first, what exactly is this "silent killer" known as cholesterol?

What is cholesterol?

It is important to understand that cholesterol itself is essential to good health. Cholesterol is a non-soluble waxy substance that your body needs for making hormones, cell walls and nerve sheaths. However, there are two forms of
cholesterol. One form is called LDL -- or the "bad" cholesterol -- and the other is HDL -- or the "good"

LDL transports the cholesterol to your cells, whereas HDL travels around in your bloodstream picking up excess
cholesterol and taking it back to your liver for reprocessing, functioning as a "garbage collector" of sorts. Too much LDL creates the risk of clogging up your arteries, which can lead to heart failure or stroke; not enough HDL will result in the same problem due to inadequate "housekeeping."

Therefore, the most important figure to examine is not your total cholesterol per se, but the ratio between the LDL and HDL readings, and the levels of each type. You want the LDL as low as possible and the HDL as high as possible.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends that everyone over 20 have their cholesterol checked every 5 years. For optimal health, total cholesterol should be less than 200,
whereas the LDL cholesterol remains at less than 100, and the HDL greater than 60.

How's your diet?

Diet does not impact on your cholesterol levels as much as
you think it does. It is not that extra egg you have for breakfast that raises your cholesterol appreciably.

This is because around 80% of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver.

To improve your cholesterol levels, you must both slow down the manufacture of cholesterol, and reduce the oxidation of
LDL while raising your HDL.

Apart from normal, sensible lifestyle improvements such as better nutrition and more exercise, there are a couple of
proven strategies to return your cholesterol to its optimal level.

Option 1: Prescription Drugs

A range of drugs known as "statins" are widely used in the US and other Western countries. In fact, they are currently the most prescribed medicine in the world.

These drugs work by blocking an enzyme that the liver needs for the manufacture of cholesterol. They have been proven effective in reducing levels of LDL, but unfortunately they
will not raise levels of HDL (the good cholesterol). The downside is that there are a large number of negative side effects such as liver damage, fatigue, upset stomach, abdominal pains and cramps, gas and constipation, and in the case of one statin drug -- "Baycol" -- large numbers of deaths.

An investigation into the side effect of statin drugs is being conducted by the National Institute of Health. Discuss the pros and cons of this medication very carefully with your
physician in the event of a statin drug being prescribed for you.

There is another treatment that has nothing but beneficial side effects...

Option 2: Natural Treatments

Even though the general public hears very little about them, there are effective natural alternatives to lowering one's cholesterol, and such therapies exhibit no side effects.

One such brand is Xtend-Life Natural Cholesterol Formula, available at The
fascinating aspect of some of these natural options is that some of the natural ingredients being used have been proven to consistently and significantly outperform the statin drugs in dozens of double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials and studies. And with no negative side effects. (The only side effects reported were weight loss.)

What to look for

Two key ingredients to look for in any natural cholesterol product are Policosanol and Guggulipid Extract. Policosanol is an extract from sugar cane wax and has been the subject
of multiple clinical trials, all of which have outperformed the statins.

Guggulipid, on the other hand, is an ancient herb from India extracted from the guggul tree. "The gum resin of the guggul tree has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine since approximately 600 BC to treat a wide variety of ailments, including obesity and [cholesterol] disorders," writes
author David D. Moore, Ph.D., and professor of molecular and cell biology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Moore goes on to state, "It really does lower cholesterol in a number of clinical studies..." What Moore didn't mention was that studies show an interesting added benefit from
Guggulipid: it has been more effective than prescription tetracycline when used orally for treating nodulocystic acne.

It also assists in the lowering of Triglycerides and weight loss.

Know what you're buying

With all of these benefits, it would seem that finding any natural formula containing these two ingredients is a sure bet. But take caution; there are many products currently on the
market claiming to use policosanol to lower cholesterol, but are in fact using octacosanol, which is an incomplete form of policosanol. Octacosanol does not exhibit the same results as true policosanol in clinical trials.

The Xtend-Life Natural Cholesterol Formula uses only the genuine policosanol extracted from sugar cane wax. When it comes to your heart's health and longevity, don't settle for
sub-par supplements.

About the Author : by Dan Ho

Low Fat 15 Minute Stew or Pasta

As I have written in my diet book and several articles, one way to reduce consumption of saturated fats, and gain other benefits of plant foods, is to replace part of four legged meats with such soy foods as tempeh and tofu. These, like ground beef, can be measured into small portions, wrapped in plastic film, and frozen. For use, let thaw over night in the refrigerator, or let stand one to two hours at room temperature, not long enough for spoilage. Be cautious if using a microwaver for thawing, so as to not incinerate.

I usually try my food experiments on myself before inflicting them on anyone else. When cooking for one person, I have found that lean ground beef in 1/4 cup portions works well for me. For tempeh, I usually cut an 8 ounce package in thirds, or a 12 ounce package into fourths, wrap and freeze. With 12 ounce packages of extra firm tofu, one can slice the block lengthwise into fourths, place the layers in a plastic freezer container with wax paper separators. This way, a bread knife can be used to separate out one or more layers without thawing the whole block. The freezer container is because freezing separates water from the tofu, which becomes very obvious on thawing, such as when using the entire container's worth.

It is certainly possible to dice tempeh and tofu before freezing, but best if wrapped in pre-measured amounts.

I now describe a recent experiment making lean stew with roughly equal parts of lean ground beef and tofu. To make a pasta dish, omit the potato and carrot, and use angel hair pasta, about 0.7 inch or 1.8 cm circle's worth, which requires only 3 to 5 minutes boiling.

I sliced a small potato lengthwise in half, then each half in thirds, then crosswise thinly. I also diced a handful of baby carrots. All this was put into a covered glass dish, and microwaved a minute at a time on high. The results were fork tender, not mushy, at a total of 7 minutes in my oven. The chef can do these vegetables slightly ahead of time, or while doing the following.

My "non stick" skillet needs a bit of help, which I provided with a thin coating of cooking spray. At moderate heat, I broke up and browned the meat, then stirred in the tofu, fork mashed. I had a refrigerated jar of diced garlic, otherwise would have used dried, about two teaspoons. For flavor, I added about a tablespoon of mixed green herbs (this time, "Italian Seasoning), and a sprinkling of fresh ground black pepper. I NEVER USE GARLIC SALT.

Next I mixed in the carrots and potatoes, and turned off the heat.

I was fortunate to have some vine ripened tomato, which I had sliced into layers, then diced. I probably used about a fourth to third cup. I stirred in the tomato and two tablespoons of a reduced salt Japanese soy sauce. Note that I only warmed the tomato. Less soy sauce also works.

If using pasta instead of potato and carrot, I am more generous with tomato, using all of a fist sized fruit.

I hesitate to use canned tomatoes, because of the heavy handed use of sodium chloride and calcium chloride so common to prepared foods. I no longer use tomato sauce, whose making I consider to be extreme cruelty to vegetables.

That's it.

If you prefer, add a small amount of water, or enough to turn the stew into a soup.

The only fat came from the lean ground beef, and the residual soy oil in the tofu. This amount of fat, and the food bulk, sufficed to satisfy my hunger until the next day.
Soy oil is the relatively safe non saturated fat.

To completely omit meat, but still have food to chew on, use tempeh instead of tofu, roughly 2 to 6 ounces, to taste. The tempeh should be diced small.

I consider cooking to be an experimental art form. That means I am willing to get ideas from cook books and dining examples, but I am not bashful about changing proportions, playing with herbs and spices, or combining ideas from different sources. All good recipes were results of similar experimentation. Traditional recipes can have more fat and salt than healthful in mechanized societies, but usually are easy to update.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

About the Author : by Dr. Donald A. Miller

Children with Reading Disorders

This learning disability is quite widespread. This disorder is known as dyslexia, and it is believe to affect as many as 8 percent the elementary school children. Reading is one of the Big R�s, an ability that is important for success in our daily lives.
As an adult you pick-up a newspaper, magazine, or any print matter and learn through reading the material something new or maybe a deeper understanding of the topic. This process of reading has become second nature to you, but as a child you had to develop certain tasks.
In your early years of life you learned to focus your attention on the printed material and in most cases taught to read it from left to right.
As you advance you learned the alphabet, and the sound of the letters. From there you jumped to the sound of words. Of course there was �Miss English� you know the type. Marking up your (what you thought) great English paper with red pencil, and always correcting your English.

But this is a process of learning to read and understand sentences. From this to reading books some good, some not so good. Your mind began building ideas and images. New ideas are compared with old and the way you look at new experiences change your way one thinks. The concepts can be deep thoughts or everyday experiences are stored in your memory.

But children with dyslexia can have problems with any of these tasks. They can have a problem separating the sounds in spoken words. Or they might be unable to simple sound out words, or maybe have trouble rhyming words.
Another problem area the children (or any person with dyslexia) have is to form images. They sometimes are unable to compare what they know with new ideas or concepts. This can become a major problem as a student moves from simple word definition to learn whole idea comprehension. Although this learning disability seems to be overwhelming, scientists have made great strides. It is important not to think your child has a learning disability, but he or she must learn their skills in a different way.

There are many Federal, National, and State organizations and associations that are able to help children with learning disabilities. I suggest contacting these services to develop the best program for your child. You will find a list of this organizations on our website. Go to our web page: for more information.

The author does not endorse any particular education plan or course of treatment for any child. He encourage parents to consult with educators and other professionals who know the child before determining whether the child has a learning disability and if so how it should be addressed.

About the Author : by David Fitzgerald

Old and New Treatments For Back Pain

Many back pain treatments exist, yet none of them actually cure this condition. Very similar to the common cold, back pain is simply an ailment that is hard to remove. Even though there is no cure, you can still improve how you feel. By utilizing different approaches, you might find a way to relieve your pain; you just need a little patience. For your consideration, here are a couple back pain treatments that may have a positive effect.
Surgery is definitely one option that you can take if your back pain is so severe that you need to have it fixed by medical doctors. Surgery is usually the last resort, when all other treatments have failed. It also depends on the type of injury. For instance, if you have been in a car accident and you have a fractured spine, this may not be an option for you if this is the case. Others may develop chronic sciatica, a condition that will require surgery. This can be very painful and motivating to those that have it to go under the knife. Due to the complexity and risks involved with surgery, second opinions are often sought by people that want to avoid surgical procedures. Back pain can sometimes be alleviated through using nutritional supplements. Many people that have lower back pain can find relief by using vitamin B12 or vitamin D. People that are deficient in vitamin D can actually have muscle pain. This can also trigger back pain too. Magnesium and calcium are essential minerals that your bones and spine need to grow. Many times, when you go to the store, you can find the combination of these two minerals in one single pill. These are chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, which are recommended for people suffering from arthritis as well as general back pain. If you are on any other treatments, this will not affect them. Simply take these extra supplements and you will see significant and beneficial results.
There's a remedy called capsaicin cream that many people aren't aware of, and this can help to give you relief from back pain. If you have ever eaten chili peppers, than you have experienced capsaicin. It is the active ingredient that makes peppers hot. When this cream is applied to your back, you can feel the heat the same way you experience the hotness of chili peppers on your tongue when you eat a spicy food. The heat the capsaicin cream releases is very therapeutic, even though you might feel a burning sensation at first. Since it might be unpleasant on your hands, make sure you wear disposable gloves when you use capsaicin cream. And don't get it in your eyes. Capsaicin cream is, in general, more effective than other over-the-counter creams and ointments and has the benefit of being a natural product. You can easily find it at your pharmacist, online, or at most health food outlets.
We've only highlighted a few in this report. In some cases, the best approach is to use a variety of techniques to help relieve your back pain. If your physician, for example, prescribes a pain killer, that doesn't mean you can't also visit a chiropractor and try some natural remedies, provided they don't conflict with your medication in any way.

About the Author :  by Kayla Milliway